5 things to consider before building your next website or HTML5 app

TL;DR Fuck fat frameworks. Embrace common sense and copy good design.

Websites for dummies

One thing about websites: they are nothing but content. So start focusing on that today. Start from content up to the technology. Don’t choose your tools until you know whatyou are going to build. Don’t judge tools based on your failure to identify the content you want to share with the world.

Responsivity andresponsibility

The content is responsive. It’s our responsibility to give it enough room to breath. All we have to do is listen to it’s needs. Give it enough space. Don’t squeeze it. Encourage the paragraphs of text to dance on a nice rhythm. You are the DJ of your content. You don’t need to be a designer to appreciate readable paragraphs. Just copy some great text formatting from places such as https://medium.com/ or https://ia.net/. Copying good practice will not hurt anyone.

TTS – Time To Show (made-up acronym)

You don’t need a framework to render the content. You don’t need a framework to display “fast” 10k (ten thousands) elements on a screen. Use simple constructs and be pragmatic in your approach. Here is an example of how you can achieve fast rendering with simple pragmatic building blocks https://jjbewildered.wordpress.com/2019/03/04/js-basics-how-to-render-fast-10k-elements/

Love CSS

CSS is beautiful.Take your time to understand it. It’s a core thing you need to learn once for good in order to have a smooth experience developing web experiences. Don’t jump on fancy tools such as pre-processors, bloated frameworks, CSS-inside-JS shit, unless you really don’t give a fuck about being pragmatic. They exist fora reason. That reason might not be relevant to you. Keep it simple folks. If you ignore learning CSS for good, at one point it will bite you back. Don’t say I did not warn you.

Learn the basics:HTML, CSS, JS

If you do thisfirst, you may realise you have all the tools you need to fix a large set of problems. However, if you wanna learn a fat framework for the sake of learningit, that’s fine too. But don’t choose the tools before you understand the problem.

Keep It Stupid Simple people. He have better problems to solve in this world. Let’s focus our energy on what matters.

Peace and love.


P.S.: The above advice might not apply to your case. Use your judgement and decide foryourself. You are smarter than you think.